Back to Work

By: Ann

I know I haven’t posted in ages, but my life has been consumed with work and Athena care.  By the time she goes down for bed, I’m usually beat myself.  I’m writing this during my lunch break at work.

This week is my second week back at work.  Things are going as good as they can be at work.  I was missed very much by my MAs due to usual work drama.  Things are basically back to how they should run, now that I’m back…as I’ve been told by my coworkers.

The transition from maternity leave to work has been a little rocky for me.  I’ve been told it gets easier.  I’m just counting on that to happen any day now.  When you have a child that’s so precious, it’s hard to tear yourself away.  I’m okay going to work in the mornings as long as she doesn’t wake up before I leave for work.  Otherwise, I’m faced with the task of trying to pull it together before I get to work.

Physically, I’m 95% better.  I still have pains when doing anything more than walking or while doing abdominal exercises.  I will be seeing a physiatrist on Monday to fix this problem.  On the positive side, I have managed to lose more than my pre-pregnancy weight. Yeah for lactation!

I’ve been told that she would “cry all day long” in my absence.  She’s been doing pretty good with Jason, with the exception of not taking adequate naps during the day, which she did 90% of the time with me.  No one’s placing blame, but I just think she knows she can get away with that more with Jason than with me.

The week after next she starts daycare.  I’ve been pretty okay with leaving her with Jason, but I think the real test of my emotions will be leaving her with the daycare.  It’s pretty hard putting all of your trust in a stranger to take care of your child.  I’m sure Athena will handle it way better than I will.

Thankfully, we’ve been pretty busy at work with all of the well child checks and colds and such, so I haven’t had that much time to boo-hoo at work.  Which would be really embarrassing.  I do have lots of pictures of Athena posted all over my office to keep me going throughout the day.  I’m so thankful that I got a chance to spend so much time with her; however, I do believe that the U.S. should adopt a similar plan of maternity leave as other countries in Europe, i.e. Germany, where they receive a whole year.  We just have to make due with what we have with this economy, though, which are 2 stable jobs and one wonderful baby.

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